Hello everyone today we are going to talk on self confidence .

 Dude  we all say yes I have my self confidence ,But I am telling you it's not same for all time situation come across the world  And our confidence is like share market it get down and up but here we don't have money we have situation sometimes it's good or bad and in share market it's like profit and loss ya and situation teaches billions of lessons in our life so just see your life in positive way not in bad way ya not bad I know this is not possible but we have to do because the world is not like you this very bad it gives us tears and situation you know it's normal that your getting bad thing's or problem listen to me the time is not same always some time good sometime bad so please just suffer from that,  it's not same for every time changes like peoples mind .

 ex; getting less marks in exam don't show what will your career because in this so many people are droppers ex: Bill gets, I think it's good example for you 

Ex: Getting loss in project or  bussiness   not decide your life it say's your lose this time try me again I will come with happiness and you will happy too but please try me again ,I have seen how hard work person your  And I know you will achieve  your goal one day just try me your life is not ended .

you know people we are good and Bad also so please don't act before your success will tell to this world how had worker my achiever with proud give one chance to your self .

A new day come with new hope and it never late and it says come lets go I am here again with you 😊.

You know people's don't believe   on humans they will only source of hurt not to help like time give respect your self and respect your situation which are very tough and face them with new Inspiration.

Believe in yourself Increase your self confidence ,you also know one day you will be success one day .


Till than keep learning Be positive spread happiness and believe yourself.



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