What is YAHOO?

 Yahoo is a web services provider that offers a range of online products and services. It was founded in 1994 by Jerry Yang and David Filo and quickly became one of the pioneering and most recognizable internet companies of its time. Over the years, Yahoo has evolved and expanded its offerings. Here's an overview of what Yahoo is known for:

Web Portal: Yahoo started as a web portal, providing users with a homepage that featured a search engine, news headlines, email access, and various other services. It was one of the most popular entry points to the internet in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Search Engine: Yahoo operated as a search engine, allowing users to search for information, websites, and other online content. While it was a major player in the early days of the internet, it eventually lost ground to competitors like Google.

Email: Yahoo Mail is an email service that allows users to create and manage email accounts. It was widely used for personal and business communication.

News and Content: Yahoo offered a wide range of news articles, videos, and other content on various topics, including finance, entertainment, sports, and more.

Online Communities: Yahoo Groups and Yahoo Messenger were popular platforms for online communities and instant messaging, respectively. They allowed users to connect, share information, and communicate in real-time.

Finance and Business: Yahoo Finance provided financial news, stock market data, and investment tools for users interested in tracking and managing their finances.

Acquisitions and Partnerships: Yahoo acquired various companies and partnered with others to expand its services. Notably, Yahoo acquired platforms like Flickr (photo sharing) and Tumblr (microblogging).

Challenges and Transition: Over time, Yahoo faced challenges, including competition from other tech giants and management issues. It underwent changes in leadership and strategic direction.

Verizon Acquisition: In 2017, Verizon Communications acquired Yahoo's core internet business, including its search, email, and advertising operations. Yahoo's brand and assets continue to be operated by Verizon's media division.

Current Status: As of my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, Yahoo continues to provide services like Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Finance, and Yahoo News under the ownership of Verizon. However, the landscape of internet companies is always evolving, and there may have been developments beyond that time.

Please note that the information provided is based on the status of Yahoo up until September 2021, and there may have been changes or developments since that time.


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